Feedback on Team Switched Papyrus Outfit

Hi! I just made this outfit of Team Switched Papyrus from the Undertale AU Community. What could be improved, and what do you think?



I like it I also love how you used sand for the clothing instead of the fabric which looks like carpet

I like using sand because it’s the best way to give a fabric look. Also, it is sand.

The actual fabric look just looks way to messy and unpleasant to me.

Looks VERY cool B) I think maybe some different textures could help! But overall I like it!

Thats… not how TS! Underswap Papyrus outfit looks like…

here is what he looks like

the colors are a bit off, they should be a reddish orange, but bright

Since TS!Underswap is currently just a concept, with the only demo having Ruined Home, theres no official sprite for Papyrus. I used another reference with pure orange and darker shades.

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yeah, im just a guy who only uses youtube to search for undertale AU themes, so basically an expert lol

I made Muffet recently and decided to post it for review lol

Looks kinda uncomfortable, its made of sand

jokes aside though, I like it’s depth.

What does this mean?
Also, don’t worry, it’s not sand, it’s just weirdly made fabric, ground up into grains, then made into clothing.

When I said depth, I meant like how it is 3d. I know this isn’t actual clothing on roblox, but it is still amazing.

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It’s just parts and it doesn’t look very good. It has clipping parts and it’s too simplistic. Try making it more advanced with edges that fit and make it look like clothing.

Well, when you’re making it so players can wear it, I’m not sure what else you can really do.

What does this mean?

he probobly means wrinkles in the fabric, and more round on the edges so it looks more like the sprite?