Feedback on Teleport Script

So, I have a round-based game, and I have been experimenting with teleportation methods to get players from the lobby into the arena. I want to know if this teleportation method seems optimized enough or is reliable, as I plan to release my game soon.

local SpleefSpawns = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("SpleefSpawns"):GetChildren()
-- This model named SpleefSpawns contains invisible bricks used as spawn points.

for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
    if player and #SpleefSpawns > 0 and game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Players")[player.Name].isAFK.Value == false then
        local playerRoot = player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
        local allSpleefSpawns = math.random(1, #SpleefSpawns) -- Choses a random spawn point for the player
        local randomSpawn = SpleefSpawns[allSpleefSpawns]
        if randomSpawn and playerRoot then
            game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AFKRound"):FireClient(player, "InRound")
            table.remove(SpleefSpawns, allSpleefSpawns) -- Removes the spawn that player was sent to from the choosing table so another player doesn't spawn there as well
            playerRoot.Anchored = true
            playerRoot.CFrame = +, 1, 0))
wait(2) -- Holds the player in the air for 2 seconds
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
    if player and game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Players")[player.Name].isAFK.Value == false then
        local playerRoot = player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
        playerRoot.Anchored = false

Thank you for any feedback you provide on this teleportation system :slight_smile:


Good code!
However I do think you can make better use of variables; there’s times you indexed game.ReplicatedStorage where you could make a variable to replace that named as RepStor .

You could use :MoveTo() instead of anchoring the root part and changing the CFrame of it.
Not sure why you need all of the players to be held in the air for 2 seconds however.

Not sure if you’ve thought about if the player was to reset when this code is running?
To solve that issue you could have a .CharacterAdded event which can just check if the player is supposed to be in the game and teleport them into the spawn they were supposed to be in.


Thank you so much for the feedback, it means a lot! I will optimize my code accordingly :slight_smile:

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I like this alot, it’s simple, well-coded, and easy to read.

I’ve used lua-inspect to review your code for any memory leaks, unused variables, etc and turns out you have no issues!

However, I’d advise to use :MoveTo instead of the old-fashioned CFrame

Also, if you want the extra performance gain you should divide stuff like
in locals so that they aren’t repeatedly being indexed as globals.


Thank you so much for your feedback! I have been using :MoveTo() recently migrating away from the CFrame method, again thanks and I’ll be sure to divide that up in variables.


This is nice! I also set the HumanoidRootPart CFrame. Now, however, I tween their HumanoidRootPart so that they “fly” to the game. It goes for a great cartoony effect, if that’s what your game is styled as!