Here it is Bloxburg Inspired (Its not perfectly alined because I took picture in studios. Its more centered in game)
If you want one
Here it is Bloxburg Inspired (Its not perfectly alined because I took picture in studios. Its more centered in game)
If you want one
Quite a good UI, I’m not a UI designer myself but Pretty sure you can use the Scaling sizing and positioning for more alined UI, Also the Credits
are mispelt. Seems quite bright. Maybe go a darker grey
Thanks Sounds good.
Thats my Fault
I said that above
Yes but using the scaling will make it alined no matter the size of the screen. People have different screen sizes so keep that in mind
Not bad however there are somethings.
First, you should add a background.
Also, the Font is pretty bland.
other than that looks great.
The background is a bit transpartent white
Which Font? The Welcome font or the things around it?
really? I couldn’t notice it.
Yes i mean the welcome font.