Feedback on the current progress of the character customization screen

Please let me know what can be improved upon

And please let me know if you think it is good


I really like the fact that you added some kind of effect when clicking/tapping a button, I also admire your choice of colors and the layout. There is only one problem about the character customisation screen. It’s the Accessories tab, the text on it looks ‘a bit off’, the text looks like it’s not centred.



I like it but two very small things bug me, the blue bar essentially being a second top bar and the button click animation being clipped by the frame it’s in!

Adding to AmusingDev’s comment, the outfits themselves look uncentered too:
(could just be how the thumbnail is rendered, but it bugs me how far the head is compared to the right leg, as well as how far the left arm is compared to the right)

And also,

I don’t really like how “SHIRTS” and “PANTS” look the same size, but “ACCESSORIES” is smaller due to TextScaling and the small button size. “HAIR” looks bigger than the rest.

Alignment Complaints

Above, I visually showed my complaints with alignment.

Overall, looks great. Some alignment issues, a bit too much whitespace, oddly small buttons with inconsistent text size, but you’re on the right track!

Edit: Add hover/click animation to the skin tones, it looks off not being animated like the rest of them.

Edit 2: Please forgive me for typing “cap” in my alignment screenshot. My dyslexia really hates me spelling “gap” with a “g”… I can’t correct that spelling mistake now.

Something you could do better, For someone who can’t read english, bring images for textbuttons.

– make image visible

– make image Unvisible

I had mine for own different customization.

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How about icons instead of words?

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you could do that, if you really want it

When you are making icons to replace words, ensure your icon can tell the user it’s definition directly, otherwise it will be not user-friendly.

What type of script is this supposed t be

Animations when clicking the clothes are being cut due to the frame.


I recommend adding some more white space above it so it doesn’t clip as seen in the picture.

And maybe a subtle divider between the multiple categories, would feel cluttered if you were to scroll up or down.