Feedback on the current progress on my FPS Game

Hi everyone! So I made a topic asking for feedback on my FPS Game. Well, someone volunteered to help me via email.

[If you want to see the topic, here’s the link: Feedback on my second attempt at making an FPS game]

His username is PrecizanPare, he’s a really great developer and he really has great passion at making games. (His profile link: PrecizanPare - Roblox) . He emailed me about 3 weeks ago and he started helping me. He’s a very detailed dev and big props to him!! He also started a development group with me last week.


Me and PrecizanPare had made really big upates to the game. Here is 3 videos that’s uploaded to our group’s YouTube channel.

So far, we have made about 40% of the game’s progress. We plan to add more guns and maps in the future. I know that there’s still a lot of stuff to work on and we hope to finish it. If you have any feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reply to this post.