Feedback On the Icon I created

So I created this icon :partying_face: probably the second thing I do in photoshop

I’m planning to use this as my Youtube icon because I plan to upload Devlog :123:
Anyway I need suggestion, feedback even critic if you have any :upside_down_face:?


Wow, that’s a lot of details there for me.

What’s the context of the icon? Were you planning to add this to a game, or was this just a test project?

Oh I plan to use this as my Youtube Icon :123:
I need a Youtube Channel To dev logging my video games so it reached out to people
So Do you have any feedback? :hugs:

The Icon looks awesome! What’s the channel name?

This is neat! What is your YouTube channel name?

Oh, I see! This looks really intricate for an icon! Looks good!