Feedback on the movement for my upcoming marble genre game

Hi! I’m working with a friend to create a marble game where you can either complete obstacle courses or explore and hangout. One of the most important things about this game will be the movement and the camera, so we’ve presented a little demo showcasing this thing, with it’s very own obstacle course.

Remember this is just a demo, so the UI is not final.

Please play-test the game and give us feedback on the movement system and on the camera. It currently only works on PC, so keep that in mind.
You can also check out the skins system if you’re interested in cosmetics.

Thank you for your time!


Looks like a marble game, works like a marble game. I do however recommend removing the mouse lock so that accessing the UI would be easier. Other than that, you guys did a decent job.

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I think this is a good marble game! It’s well made! Nice job!


I see, so I should just revert to the default camera or should I keep the camera’s limited position but make it moved with the right-click?