Feedback on the old apartament

Feedback on my old styled apartament building.
Something is upcoming this year :wink:


Iā€™d say it looks pretty good! Something I would add is, maybe some flowers or like a little garden on top. But other than that! It looks fantastic!


It looks great, but I feel as if Iā€™ve seen that model before in the toolbox?


Same, I do think it looks great! But, I swear Iā€™ve seen that item on the toolbox if you search up ā€œbuildingsā€.


Perhaps your using a free model, as a base and working from there?


Free model? What the, let me search.

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I just searched for that and i have found models similiar to mine. Let me explain, thereā€™s a game called ā€œChicago 1949ā€ And i was making a model in their building style, i was inspired.

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I just searched up those buildings, the style is very similiar but i have some differences, i was using self made 3d assets for that building.


If you give attention to details you can see windows are located deeper.


I read the comments and searched for the building but I canā€™t find any that exactly resemble it. Iā€™ve built buildings very similar to this but these types of buildings look the same, so I think he may have just built this heavily based on other buildings. Itā€™s quite depressing in color. The doors need more work to it and more detail could be added. Itā€™s a pretty basic building. I will add that steel water tanks are highly unusual because of their pricing and most people just go with wooden because of their insulation,pricing& lifetime. I think if youa dd some wooden properties to it then you should make it all wooden. I also feel itā€™d suit your mafia game better. Iā€™ll add that it seems there are too many windows & it looks more like a NYC building to me. Good job though


Thank you very much for your opinion, i was trying to make a building based on Chicago city buldings and Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven buildings.

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You said ā€œitā€™d suit your mafia game betterā€ How did you guess iā€™m planning on making mafia game?

Iā€™m pretty big on history, so chicago 1949 was a pretty good hint. Also-- your name and outfit haha.


Looks like it was obvious hehe.

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It does lack some detail if I do say so myself.
Other than that, it looks pretty nice.
And the smoothened edges for this thing donā€™t suit much in my opinion.


Oh yes, now I see. Just making sure!
The feedback part:
I really like the feel of the building, and I think it looks pretty good!
Hereā€™s my suggestion though:

  • Maybe make the water towers reflectance a little less, just so it blends in moe with the building

Other than that though, think it looks great! :smile:


I would personally change the color of the green overhang to more of a redish brown, and make it look a little more deteriorated. We all know how trashy our landlords can beā€¦

Yeah, i can make it more pale and give it some dirty texture.

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Thats what the building would look like brand new. Idk if you plan on using this for a game. If you do, and the game takes place in the past, it would pass as it is. But if the game takes place in the present or future, Iā€™d wither the building.

If youā€™re interested which type of game iā€™m making you can search for hints in comment section.