Feedback on these 2 similar GUI's?

I have 2 GUIS I made earlier today, and I thought I should get some feed back on here. The first GUI is the player’s inventory. And the second one is the store. It would be great to hear how I could improve, since I’m a new UI designer here on Roblox.

GUI 1:

GUI 2:

(The description for the weapon is just a placeholder for now.)

Thanks! :smile:


It looks pretty nice to me, but the only thing that looks out of place is the description font on GUI 2.


These are incredibly good,What are you using it for?


Pretty good in my opinion. Did you make those based off New Haven County UIs?


The game I’m planning on using them for is similar to New Haven County. However, I’m trying my best to not make it too similar to New Haven County.

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This looks really nice!

I think your got the theme.

Keep going!

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To be honest,It looks like a hunting post-apocalyptic game gui.Like hunt animals and kill your enemies,Which is good

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Great work! You claim to be new, but I could easily see this style of UI on some top games. My only recommendations are using more colors, as it looks a bit boring. Unless you’re going for that aesthetic, bringing up those menus again and again would eventually get repetitive.

For GUI 1, I’d recommend making the Person side icons larger, as there’s to much negative space in my opinion.

For GUI 2, I’d recommend centering the flavor text.

Great work regardless!

Edit 1: Grammar | Edit 2: Text positioning

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll make sure to fix the UI’s soon! :+1:

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Excellent UI!

I like to stuff a lot of items in my inventory, but I think making the inventory icons smaller would unbalance the whole look and feel of the UI.

Another suggestion:

In this spot maybe you could fit an item description. For example, I would be able to click something in my inventory and it’s description, maybe value, would show up here. It’s also a great use of empty space.

And, as for GUI 2, there’s quite a lot of unused UI. I think you could possibly turn the rectangle item frame into a square, shift the purchase button down and include some item stats (damage, ammo) underneath.

Anyways, just some ideas.

Have a good one my man! (or lady, idk)


I personally wouldn’t adjust anything, they look good the way they are now.