Feedback on Third-Person-Shooter System I'm Working On

This is a passion project I’ve been working on-and-off for the past 3-4 years. The plan is to have an open-world sandbox shooter with an expansive map. I didn’t want to go “realistic” because I want the feel to be that its still Roblox and you can play as your own character if you choose. I’ve designed it around working with any Roblox package/morph.

So far the grenade system is about complete as is the glass physics.

I just recently added a Handgun weapon with depleating ammo and clip which can now be reloaded.

Let me know of any issues you encounter or any ideas or feedback.

Thank you.

Game Link


I think this game has a lot of potential!

Weirdly enough, my favorite part was the shattering windows.

Thanks, I appreciate your time testing my game.