Feedback on this animation?

So, I’ve probably spent around 8-9 hours working on this.
I am NOT happy with outcome to be honest…

(If you understand blender animation) Because I keyed the child of’s influences for the first magazine, what happened it when it went for the insert the magazine had this really stupid clipping issue since I was rendering it at a higher FPS. It bothered me pretty badly and I tried at least 20 fixes. Nothing seemed to work. So in the end, I decided to make him flip the gun and insert it that way. Yes, pretty awkward, but seeing that stupid clip really made me mad.

I ended up spending around 9 hours on this and I am not satisfied. Regardless, I’d like some opinions and feedback if possible. Thanks for reading my post.

(P.S. Ignore background feedback, I can’t make sounds yet :/)


woah it’s really good! i can rate it as high quality animation.
keep it up! Great job!!

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I’m not sure you why don’t like it. It’s amazing!

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As of what everyone else has says it’s amazing. The animation from your view may be bad but you have to remember that people won’t point out the minor details that you can see. You have to know that not everyone will be extremely judgemental.
Keep up the work.


Hell yeah 8-9 Hours is too much for a single gun animation like this.
And i got your point, still keep up your work.

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