Feedback on this animation

I haven’t really animated for around 2 weeks and I was told to make a commissioned set. This was apart of it and I think this animation is probably one of my favourites.

The idea is its someone being shoved to the ground:

(Was made with Moon Animator)


love how is legs just flop; great stuff


This looks great! I would suggest making the character stumble back a few steps while being pushed to make it look more realistic.


@SoFuzzyy Possibly, but, with the animation commission it was requested that the dummy is immediately shoved to the ground by another

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Gotcha! With that in mind, it makes more sense. You did a great job!
Side Note: I reviewed the animation again and was just wondering if the hand going through the arm was intended since it seems to be corrected quickly after.

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Looks great, one thing I’d suggest changing is alittle less force at the start, the character is shown clearly being pushed before being moved back.

Basically, start the fall before the recoil

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Great animation! The leg movements are realistic! For me, this is a job well done!


It doesn’t look too realistic, because, to me, it looks like the character is jumping backward and landing on their back. But I still think its a great animation, maybe make the character be pushed less back? I think that’s what makes me feel as if they are jumping backward.

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I think it would be cool if this played every time someone got shot in an FPS

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@cake3738 Since I never really included the full animation it looks like he’s being pushed in the beginning but he’s actually not. I’ve corrected that though I see where you were coming from since it’s easily confusing.

Thank you for the feedback

@SoFuzzyy did that with he hands to make it look like his hands hit the ground on impact. I could remove all hand animation completely though since it’s not really all that necessary

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@AwakenedElemental Thank you for the feedback. This may be due to the fact that I didn’t really include the 2nd Dummy animation which is the 2nd Dummy shoving the 1st Dummy to the ground.

Its very cartoony and satisfying to watch (:

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This is great :ok_hand: ! I like how satisfying the legs flip up. Keep the good work!

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That dummy do be pushin hard den :open_mouth:

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