Feedback on this artwork


Very unique and quite well executed, good job. I like the color balance between the hots and the colds; however, I think (and this is purely artistic preference) the linework is very rough, similar to a sketch. If the overall linework was “a bit” sharper I believe it’ll elevate the overall boldness of the drawing.

Conversely, the overall colouring is very well executed, so good job! :+1:


Thank you!
about the lineart , im trying out a new brush and trying to see its capabilities , so i really don’t have much experience with it
im not super satisfied with the results , my goal was to make it look something like this Reddit - Dive into anything
its pretty much what all colored concept artworks looks like (yes i wanna be a concept artist)

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This art looks good. Nice job on it.

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Good job. Although the text on the side is hard to read.

Yeah, I can see what you went for and it’s pretty good overall - right now only needs some polishing and refinement and eventually you’ll be able to do it consistently.

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