Feedback on this bridge!

So, I spent a few hours creating this cool bridge that I’m going to (maybe) put in my upcoming game. I tried to make it look as good as I can, but I want to make it better before the final product is put into the game.

Also in the final product, I will use actual water and terrain and not just parts, just saying so nobody gets confused.

Feedback would be appreciated!


It looks good but why is there a gap here? Not criticizing just wondering. :slight_smile: image

I’m questing the gap too…
But, other than that, the bridge can use a bit of detail at the moment, even if it is just pillars.


I like this a lot, nice job on this!

The towers should be closer to the bridge deck since they’d be part of the bridge’s support system.
The sides of the deck should be a bit taller since they would be the parts taking the weight of the bridge deck.
Yeah, fix that support.
The flags should all be facing the same direction, y’know, wind.

Not trying to be hypercritical, but my architectural mind looks at it and thinks it would collapse under its own weight as is.

The arches take the weight of the deck and anything that is on it.

That gap was there to make it look kinda old and run down.

alright, I’ll change that up as well! thanks for the feedback!

Ohh, maybe try slanting it? To make it look old. (I couldn’t find a really good example) You don’t have to use my idea I was just making a suggestion. image

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