Feedback on this Cartoony Tree

I made a tree I’d like some feedback. Note that I’m still new to building so it may not be good.


Model: Tree - Roblox


Hmm. I do like the fact that there are multiple leaves on it but still a lot of details missing. I’m sure you could make something extraordinary by adding details and different materials such as a wood texture for the body of your tree.

Keep it up!


I like your thoughts, maybe you should tell them like try blender or something, because pine trees are a easy tree to make, alongside oak trees. I would just suggest giving more option like the one I said, (Blender 2.79)


Make the leaves and branches different size and rotations.


I’ve made rotations and maybe size changes to the branches, and I made different sizes for the leaves, but didn’t do anything with the rotation.

It is very bland and basic. You have almost no rotation on any details of the tree, the bottom of the trunk is extremely plain. The leaves are block basic.

Basically, it just feels like a very basic and uninteresting tree, you have room to improve.

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Thank you for your honest feedback, what is some things I can add to make it more interesting?

Needs a bit more details, would be better if made in blender.
make leaves less blocky.

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What are some details I can add?

Perhaps leave texures once they are not blocky? something like this:

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It’s just bland as in that you don’t have anything unique to it. You can rotate some of the leave blocks around and improve the bottom of the tree parts to what you think will look better.

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To be honest, all you need to do is look at trees that are very well made and compare it to yours. You can look at the differences and try to improve. I think that’s the most efficient way of improving.

You can find the trees in the toolbox.

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Hey, I just thought I would say one more thing with the tree. So like I said I recommend using blender 2.79, and also if you need help, just ask, I can make certain types of trees on blender! :slight_smile:


I think you need a little more work on the trunk. But I think you nail the branches.

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I think you should use different materials, also you can change the transparency on each leaves to give it that effect.


Its easy to use blender to make trees, I made one first attempt in around 5 minutes. You should use blender to create the low poly vibe that it looks like you are going for. It looks good though. Maybe change the sizes and shapes of the leaves?

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its ok depends on what you are going for if its low poly use smooth plastic

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I’m not sure if my computer can handle Blender

I suggest to use blender for trees since it is more complicated to make one using studio.

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My computer is probabally worth 100 pound or way less because its utter garbage but it can still run blender. Just note: DO NOT enter a sphere. Trust me. You don’t want that.

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