Feedback on this clip of progress of my upcoming new water-themed roblox game!

:wave: Hello Roblox Developers!. aStarZomkied here!.

:fries: Back with more progress on my upcoming water-themed roblox game and here is a clip of the character wearing the BETA Fast Food Outfit and to try it is when you play the game when it just released or while testing!.
You can see the character moving and jumping onto the obstacles and gaining coins which once earned then you will see a nice effect and text.

The game will be made in R6 + R15!. It will be coming out around this summer!.

:thinking: What do you think of this?


The store doesn’t match the game’s style, and the Maywipe Festival gui appears excessively large, the whole screen is excessive brightness. The game resembles a typical obstacle course but presented in a television show format.


I will try to scale the maywipe festival gui down and I toned down the brightness. But, What should I change for the store icon? Should the image be changed? and it does have a TV show format. I want to try to start off with simple roblox games before getting into big ones.

I also want to make this a different type of obstacle course game and I notice there is little of these type of games on roblox too so I decided to do one like this.

Some of the rounds will be quite difficult and different. I was thinking that round 1 would obviously be the easiest so that’s also why its like that too.

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something about the color saturation, or maybe it’s the lighting tint color, would make this game difficult for me to play very long


Hope you’re gonna make more innovative gameplay than this…

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Yeah, there will be and more rounds too which will be different. It’s in development stage.

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Also you can tell me if you also would like to test it in a while like soon too!.

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Sure, why not! I look forward to testing your game out!