February 4, 2025, 11:46am
hai guys i am making a game its called minion battlegrounds
pls feedback
good or no :banana cat emoji:
feedback on game mechanics i also add a banana cat sky because its good and i add a sign so that the player knows what to do and minion as a mascot pls say feedback
um I am not sure about the minion is it like painted on the ground? You said u want feedback on game mechanics but I dont even see any.
The game looks good, great job!
Nice game good job on making it!
February 4, 2025, 1:46pm
the game mechaincs is wasd to move and jump to move and u can type with roblox chat
Doesn’t all games have that when you make it WASD is always there together with jumping.
February 4, 2025, 1:48pm
some game make u not move and stare at gui like window os emulators thats the mechanics so no not all games have
also the minion is a 2d in 3d i tried really hard on making the Z axis 0.001
is this banana dancing? :D? this game is epic if yes, if no, this game is still epic
Is the game finished yet like can I play it?
February 4, 2025, 1:50pm
the banana is afk dance yes it took me 32 minutes to find a model like it
no its not finished i am working on the good updates like banana cat monster and herobrine
(i work on game yesterday if bad pls no hate)
February 4, 2025, 1:55pm
Someone told me to use this audio for the game
Then he did laugh emoji and left im not sure i havent listened to the audio yet pls someone listen to it
(When i press audio button it doesnt work can someone tell me if its good or not)
February 4, 2025, 4:22pm
Yall srry my lil bro went on my acc ignore this post
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