I made this GFX yesterday and its my first time using 3d clothing. I would love some feedback
I made this GFX yesterday and its my first time using 3d clothing. I would love some feedback
the lighting looks off. Having the parts of the rig which are visible in the shadow looks not good.
Thank you very much for the feedback!
the rig doesn’t fit in with the background.
btw imma nickname this guy nearly legless lance
the 3d clothing is too unrealistic, and the shoes have some clothing folds too. and there is also no clothing folds on torso?
also you are not using 3d clothing
that tie, that. collar, etc, is absolutely not 3d.
also the sunglasses are reflecting an hdri
which is not the place where he is.
Thank you very much for the feedback!
how the heck do you expect him to make the tie and collar completely 3d while still fitting in with the rig. Its a texture.
Also, im not sure how you instantly say that the rig isn’t in the hdri when there is literally just a basic concrete wall and tiled floor in the backgroudn of the GFX.
never said it wasn’t
i thought he could like use a ugc tie and collar accesory and maybe model some pockets on his own, that would work out right?
also r u just disagreeing with me or correcting me lol
I like the general idea, however you could probably boost up the clarity some more, and add less wrinkles to the clothing, most suits are normally pretty smooth, so maybe look up some images of people in suits to see where their clothes crease, and use that as a reference. Also the background could use a bit more detail, but overall great job.
the right arm looks broken and the clothes look off,