Feedback on this GFX I made?

It’s for a 1960s US Military group.


The only problem I have is the light coming from the headlights of the vehicle. It’s kind of messed up as it needs to be brighter and directed at the right place.


What do you mean directed to the right place? its in line with the car.

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I’m looking at the light but I see light coming from below. I’m not sure if that was on purpose or there was another light source I didn’t see, but the light isn’t going in the right place.


Ah i see what you mean. I’m not saying its intentional but it’s because theres a layer of fog on the ground. which reflects the light. and when you go a bit higher theres not as much fog so less of that reflection.

I agree it looks a bit off


Well it would be better if you could show the fog more and make the light from the vehicle brighter, also add some more fog near the other soldier.

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For sure, next time ill also not forget to add a mist pass so I can add it in later with photoshop

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it’s clean and smooth only the vehicle headlights makes it off when it caught on my eyes first.


Is it just me or does the gun look really small? Other than that It looks really great!


This GFX looks VERY good and realistic! Nice job on it!


I used the real dimensions, it was way too small so I sized it up a bit but because roblox characters are so chunky it looks small yeah. Its hard to convert it into roblox dimensions. but thank you you’re right.

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