Feedback on this Glock 17


What do you like about the gun?
Anything he can improve on?
How much do you think it is worth? If anything?

Made by dacooldionisi


It looks pretty decent. I like the creative customizations you’ve done to it, definitely adds something. Could definitely be something interesting if it were customizable to where you can put an optic on it, perhaps the mag size, and/or rate of fire.


I like that it looks more realistic than the current ones on roblox. I’d say try to make it more realistic. I think I would pay $5 for this model.


I like the colors and the parts, I like the gun as a whole. What you could add is a laser or flashlight which could make the gun look better, I would also suggest putting a red dot optic on it. But it is a great looking gun well done!

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