What do you guys think of this?
After running sponsorships, it doesn’t seem to get enough clicks.
Hi! I love the render, but the logo really doesn’t tell me anything about the game. I have no idea if the game would be fun by seeing the icon. Maybe make the icon showcase the gameplay more.
Everything about it design wise is perfect, it’s eye catching and vibrant, but like what the person above said it doesn’t provide a reason to actually click on it when you see it. As it doesn’t give any insight on to what this island is about and solely relies on the user being curious enough to wanna find out.
nevermind these replies, the game icon is perfect as it is, a game icon obviously won’t tell a story for it to get good clicks. what your issue was is that you ran sponsors which is horrible when it comes to advertising your game, i highly recommend making ad skyscrapers and banners. and go with those instead.
may i know how much you spent on your sponsors?
It’s great! The only thing is, it needs to tell what the game is. When I look at it I have no idea what the game is about.
Dude it’s not about telling a story, it’s giving an idea of what the game is about. I can’t tell what type of game it is based on the icon, it’s great art work that’s no question though. He asked for a reason why it wasn’t gathering clicks when it appears and that could be one of them.
Icon is great.
Sponsorship generally not effective, as I experienced, banner ad is far better.
Hey guys, thank you for all the feedback. Seeing as most of your responses leaned more towards showcasing something about the game, I made this:
While I’m here, would anyone know how my game would have gotten picked up by the alogrithm, reacing the top results when searching for tycoon, then die down within 3 days?
nice but the text is a bit off but overall nice job!
It’s really well made. People in the comments seem to be arguing about the name. While it does not need to tell the story, it needs to give people a hint of what they are getting into. I don’t know if I’m getting into a simulator, tycoon, or roleplaying game. You solved the issue with your second icon
Alright, now the icon is telling me that the game is a game where maybe you own a private island, and you can drive boats. Pretty interesting game, but now the GFX itself isn’t as good. Here is a list of things to fix.
Make the character bigger. She’s too small for the boat.
The lighting is boring, try using some of the same lighting you used in the previous icon.
There’s too much blue. In the other one, there is many different colors.
I’d recommend putting the camera facing the boat with the island in the back instead of the island off to the side.
The boat looks parked, you should make it with the front facing the camera and also make it look like it’s moving.
I recommend making the sun visible, it would make the icon look better.
i feel like the v looks like a u at first glance
Same, Especially on me having a Poor eyesight.
You’ve been getting a lot of mixed messages here, let me help
I’m not sure what your clickrate is, but to be honest it’s very hard to get anything above 2%. There’s a further issue with sponsorships is that many just don’t see them, its very easy to scroll past games. However, there are ways to increase your CPS
Add some sort of NEW or SALE item in the top, the colour and intention that it’s a new or different game will attract users.
Look at your target audience. Want a younger group? Go for a more cartoony-type icon, whereas teens generally go for something more modern.
Focus on a theme, I see your current focus is boating, so make your focus around that. Maybe instead of new say “Drive”?
Now that is a nice looking icon and gives abit of insight of what the game is like while still remaining eye catching and vibrant, a massive improvement while stil