FeedBack on this living room/family room

Hey there could you guys give me feedback on this living room / family room

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It’s not bad, but it’s pretty plain. There could be more items on the long table, and perhaps add some wall decorations.

The lighting is also completely flat, I’m not sure what settings you have it on but I don’t see any shadows to help contrast the visuals. I assume you have it on Voxel, which is fine, but Future may look better for showcasing.

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  1. Use Graphics 21 when you take screenshots. Press Alt+S, click Rendering and set Edit Quality Level to 21.

  2. The carpet texture needs to be contrasting. It just looks plain as it is.

  3. The tiffany (TV cupboard) is pretty underdetailed and has no material. I’d recommend a remodel using the wood material.

  4. The spotlight really looks like a free model. To get you started on making a better one that’s not a free model, this is a real life spotlight that’s in my living room:

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Floor have very light textures and it look very white

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