Hey guys! So pretty much all day I’ve been working on implementing new user interfaces for my game. I’m now on the shop item information screen, and I think overall I like how it all looks. However, I’m not sure what I should do with the buy button, as it looks rather fat right now just so everything remains symmetrical together. Any advice on this would be appreciated! Thanks!
Perhaps make the hook and length screen as wide as the description part, this would lead to the buy button being smaller.
The Shop GUI is looking great though!
Oh thanks Alex! I could try messing around with that, that’s a good idea. Although the button might still be too fat on the Y axis. (the height of the button.)
I’d suggest making the ‘<’ a bit bolder, so it stands out more. Embossing it might make it more noticeable.
Thanks for the comment! I’ll definitely take note of that.
Maybe move the numbers of the hook and length to the left?
Oops messed up, replied to wrong person
Hey C, I really like the design, the clean look is very nice! But If you haven’t done it already, I’d recommend adding movement when the mouse hovers above a button, which can take it to the next level. But otherwise looking great!
Oh thanks! I’ll definitely consider adding some kind of effect in the future, right now I’ve just been so tied up with just implementing all the different screens.
It looks pretty clean to me.
Looks good, only thing that bothers me is the consistency. By that I mean with the top of the frame and the button, you have dark > light, whereas with the white box (assuming a picture is going there), you have light > dark. I would keep it consistent, and usually, I keep it as light > dark, but it’s all preference.
Good looking UI, I have to say. Although the main frames of your UI stands a bit offset from the middle, you may need to bring it down so those set of elements are centred
Thanks Jordy! Ah I do see what you mean. I’ll try shifting them down a few pixels.
Good to hear! Thank you