Feedback on this Tank made it in Blender

I was a lowpoly guy just modeling lowpoly things but I was also used to make realistic stuff but never took on a big project.So,I just had an opportunity and I gave it a try.

Tank name is Panzer 3


The tracks are not done due to animation problems they will be completed in roblox studio

constructive criticism will be appreciated and how can I increase its quality more.


You should add the ruber that goes around all the wheels, pictured above.

Yeah the tracks It will be completed in roblox studio due to animations

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I think it would look nicer if you smoothed these front and back parts up, also a bit of detail couldn’t hurt there either.

Looks great and has lots of detail imo there’s not much you could improve except maybe adding some tracks like Scythe already stated.

Other than that you could maybe add a light on front:
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Depending on how old the tank is you could add a survival kit to the back of the tank with like an axe or something.

Other than that I think it’s great and if the texture has the same quality as the tank it will turn out great!:+1:

It gonna hurt the tris and verts

Hey Awesome_Playz!

Right off the bat, I absolutely love and am deeply fascinated in WW2 armor! This tank looks very nice, has a good amount of detail for something of its caliber, well done!


  • The Panzer III Ausf. H/ Panzer III turret feels too tall for the chassis.


  • The tank is completely underdetailed in many areas that makes it feel unfinished, if you really want to save on the triangle count, I’d highly suggest adding random tidbits like screws, headlights, shovels, or any other equipment the Panzerkorps would need in a jiff!
  • I’d also suggest decreasing the size of the mantlet near the breach, it is a tad too big.
  • Add a viewport for the driver and the gunner on the bottom of the tank for detail. Stick a MG-42 out of it for more detail!
  • I’d also decrease the barrel length, it looks too long to be a PZ III

Goodluck! It’s really coming along!

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I made the barrel according to this reference image

That shovels, headlight Idea is pretty good I would do that,but can’t put more details like guns due to tris.


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Maybe make it a bit more rounded on the sides?

As someone who is very familiar with WWII German armor, I feel I can be fair with this. First off, I think it looks very nice. Good job especially on the detailing.

I think the turret could stand to be a little shorter (in height), and not as sloped on the top. The mantlet could be a little smaller, and the armor panels/mudguards over the wheels could be a bit thinner. Other than those nitpicks, I think it looks awesome! Great job!

If possible, in the future, you could try to figure out how to use orthographics in Blender (I don’t use it, so I don’t know if it’s possible), to provide a 2D “map” of creating the 3D model.

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Idk from which thing,it came in your mind that I don’t use orthographics view

For your question:-
I do use it alot and it is essential for everything

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