Feedback on thumbnail and icon I made

So, this is my icon and thumbnail I made by free photo editing software just for experiment…

Btw, I am not a professional GPX artist



Feel free to feedback any mistakes.

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Is the selection box in the thumbnail intentional?
Also you seem to be missing a ceiling.

The thumbnail is completely original and the ceiling suppose to be glass but I accidently added a transparent part so that might confuse a bit.

It’s pretty good! But, for the gfx maybe try a different lighting. I don’t know what software you’re using, but I presume Roblox Studio? If you’re not already, I suggest using Blender, or even Mixamo, as they are more professional and free (i don’t know if Mixamo is free, but I think it is) Blender for sure has amazing lighting and rendering capabilities, I know this as I use it myself.
For the background, maybe just complete the ceiling/roof, as you can still see the sky :sweat_smile: and also get rid of the selection, as it isn’t part of the build, I presume (sorry if i’m wrong).
But besides that, the Gfx is pretty good, it has good, realistic body movement, and the background is semi-detailed, but not too much, pretty minimalistic! Good work :slightly_smiling_face:

This looks nice, needs more improvements.

Icon Feedback:
Your character is nice and cute. But the posing and lighting is awkward. You should fix your character’s posing and lighting, avoid using bland colors and pale background. Make sure to fix your character icon into a much more natural look and flowy atmosphere. It needs more details and polishing.

Thumbnail Feedback:
It looks light and minimalistic. But I suggest fixing your thumbnail shot. Your thumnail shows a selection box, which is the box that appears whenever you point your cursor to a part or model. I recommend fixing that. Also, try to smooth the shot, the door is looking a bit rigged and rough. I recommend using color correction and fix the lighting. Make sure you also clear things out before taking the shot and uploading it so people won’t be confused.