Feedback on Thumbnail

Made a new GFX Thumbnail, how does it look?

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Portfolio if you want to hire me.


I really like it, you did an amazing job!

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It’s really good! Love the bright colors

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Haha, thanks a ton for the kind words, it really keeps my motivated to make more GFX, thanks : )

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I like it a lot as everything in there has a purpose to be there and not just something random added in. I also like how bright it is as it would bring my attention to it.

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I love the effects, but the lighting looks bland, the only issue you need to fix is the lighting.
Maybe add some depth of field to give it some realistic vibe.
And change the contrast.
Everything else honestly looks okay.

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Thanks for the kind words again, and about the lighting, depth of field would not work with the very cartoony vibe of the game, I might add some more shadowing to the characters, thanks for the feedback.

Another quick suggestion.
Make it look like this light is on by simply adding a glow effect.

That would be a cool thing to do but its daylight so maybe if it was night i would do it, but thanks for the feedback anyways.

Pretty good, you could add bullet trails mid air, also like the previous gfx I commented on the lighting effect strokes, you could smooth those out more. What program do you use for editing?


I tried adding bullets, but didnt work : ( Also for the rim-lighting I’m learning a new way to do those that will look so much better, I use photoshop and After Effects.

Ok, so you can use Gaussian blur on the stroke for a small amount and then use bloom to get more lighting. It or use a smudge tool to smooth it out.

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Hm, it sorta looks weird without textures tbh.

But maybe that’s just the art style I suppose.

Everything else looks fine!

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Amazing! I also love the watermark. :slight_smile:

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That’s looking really sharp! I really like the reflectance of the sunbeam on the sides! Great job! :+1:

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The watermark is done by:
@JackscarIitt Thanks for the sharp nice comment.
@orangewarrior78 The map wasnt done by me, but I could have added some cartoony textures.

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Looks pretty good! I also like the neon effects you’re using, it really makes it special lol. Keep it up! Also, your robux counter must be going up fast because of this amazing gfx.

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OH AND HOW COULD I FORGET? always keep your chin up! (it means “always be happy”)

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Thanks a ton! Really keeps me going! Thanks.

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As I always say, you’re welcome!

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