recently started a project, does the thumbnail look good (not final idk)
That looks good
It really makes it look like a fighting game
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That’s a nice thumbnail, love the theme.
I’d suggest lowering the blur and the silhouette around the edges, and maybe making the logo a bit brighter, the “Frostbite” sort of blends into the grey sky behind it.
Other than that, everything’s great. Keep it up!
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thanks, it’s gonna be like a story driven pvp/pve game
thank you for the tip and for the opinion
If you are trying to make a game about war and stuff, this is almost perfect for it. It’s like it has its own little story behind it. The text is a little hard to read though
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it’s something more like, society collapse, factions ect.
and i do feel kinda dumb for choosing that font lol
thanks for the feedback doe
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