This was my first time trying an “anime” style and drawing faces in Photoshop. I was aiming for a realistic yet stylized look. The characters are Kurona and Nashiro from the Tokyo Ghoul franchise.
Good work. Although, any feedback at your level would be a bit nitpicky and would be somewhat preference-based. But I really like the lighting, also the depth of field is the first I’ve seen in these “roblox gfx designs” that actually looks real; the disparity between the foreground, subjects and background is noticeably tasteful, so thumbs up from me lol.
Amazing renders. Tbh I thought the positioning of the lighting test rigs were better more together.
I Have no problem with this…Just be careful when sizing up “body parts” on Roblox rigs if you know what I mean. Again, I have no problem with it but actually think its good detail but just be careful. Roblox can easily put a copyright claim on it even when it was made with their program.
I was originally going to go for something which looked like the first reference, but the commissioner and I decided to change up the composition to something more sophisticated looking. I do agree with you on that though.
a. I get a royalty free stock image off Google and upscale it if I have to
b. I draw it myself (time consuming)
c. GFX pack (GFX Packs for GFX Artists) d. all of the above