Feedback on Tools

Hey developers,

Recently I’ve been playing with Blender, and trying to create some cool thing’s. I want to upgrade my portfolio to the best I can. I would like some feedback on my image shown here. I want to know what I can change, and what I did good on. I am still working with the tools Blender has to offer.

Criticism and suggestions always appreciated!



These look incredible but maybe add some better lighting so we can see what they look like in light cause I personally don’t see a lot. Also add no shadow (if you can) so the shadow doesn’t go on the tools and we can see it properly.


If one looks closely, you will notice that the axe’s handle appears to be cut in half. This is probably because the other half is clipping through the table. I would suggest either orienting the axe to accurately show the handle, or simply display these items upright.

I’d also strongly recommend what @popmop24 has already mentioned in regards to lighting.

Hope this helped!

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