Feedback on Train

I made a train that can drive automatically and I am looking for feedback on the building

Passenger Car:

Inside Passenger Car:

Driving Car Front (no inside):


Hi! Your train already looks nice, but I feel the train wheels (I think that’s what they are) feel very out of place as they are incredibly realistic and out of scale compared to the rest of your creation. I’m not sure what style you are going for in your build, but consistency is incredibly important. I would also consider adding some more details on the inside and outside, they don’t have to be complicated but it will add some more depth and complexity to your build.


Okay! Thanks for the feedback I will make the train wheels more simple

If your going for a simplistic vibe it looks great, maybe add a bit more interior and exterior details to give the scene some depth. And erm the train wheels…

Okay i was a little lazy when i got the wheels so i just got an image but ill fix it



Do these look better?

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Wheels definitley look better, nice!

add those things that some passengers grab while standing
also logically those wheels cant move with that cylinder

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Looks great! I love how simple the train is.

Love the train! Yet I do not think the wheel (or if there there, can’t see properly) fits with it. Other than that. I truly appreciate the simple yet elegant design.