Feedback on Treechopping Mechanic

Hello there!

I’m (for fun) currently working on a tree chopping mechanic for an upcoming game I’m working on. Compared to the other features in the game so far, it seems boring and choppy, but I have no ideas on how to improve it.

Here is a video of it in action.

I’m looking for feedback, or ways to improve the system :slight_smile:


Looking good!

Maybe you could add some particles or something each time you hit the tree, or give the tree a little bounce.

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Thank you!

Yeah, I could add some particles or a little bounce in the tree. I’ll mess with maybe tweeting its size a bit, jiggling it around, etc. There is a little screen shake so I’m not sure if maybe I should remove that and replace it with the bouncing effect on the tree. I feel with screen shake and a little animation would be hard too see.

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