Feedback on Tsunami Disaster (Game W.I.P)

I’m making a Survive/escape the disaster type game which is based to be more realistic the Tsunami is still a W.I.P and is the first disaster to be added (fyi game is not public yet)

Link to VID showing the Tsunami

^What game currently looks like right now^
v If you got feedback I’d be glad to hear it! v


Can u do this stuff with terrain water?

Probably but it would probably be a lot laggier and for maps I’m using parts instead of terrain so there’s less lag and less problems with generating etc…

It looks like an interesting concept, though, I’d like to make some suggestions:

  • The buildings should unanchor once the wave hits them, so it feels more realistic;

  • Adding a sound effect to the waves would be nice;

  • Perhaps changing the tsunami’s format, instead of it being a single part? It feels more like a flood than a tsunami as it is right now.

Again, those are only some of my suggestions. Hope they’re useful for you in the future!

thanks for suggestions!
the first one I plan on using break joints to break buildings (that’s what someone suggested me)
the second one is a good idea ill definatly add that soon!
the third one I could add more Tsunami wave parts which go over the other wave I also plan on adding water splash particle effects for when waves crash into stuff like buildings!

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it isn’t realistic, just a part growing and textures moving on it. make have it actually be a wave and wash away stuff?

someone suggested me this to but what imma most likely do is make a wave shaped mesh which will be connected to the front of these parts and will follow the same path!

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I added a Tsunami shaped Mesh so its not just a block shape! will be adding stuff like particle effects and sound effects and more to the Tsunami soon!