Feedback on Twitter Banner

Hello! I’ve made this GFX banner for my Twitter banner. This was for practice, and I want feedback of all kinds on my peice of work.
Twitter Banner:

Thanks for reading! Feedback and criticism is much appreciated, as I’m still improving! Stay safe!


i like the effects/color depth you put on your picture and it looks pretty good with a Twitter banner. however, the background and the text doesn’t really match up with the picture and maybe there could be more addons to the two!

either way, it’s pretty good in general :+1:


Thank you so much! Your feedback is much appreciated, and I will make sure to add some spice into these in the future!!


Honestly, I really like the banner. The blue and red effects really add to the banner giving it kind of like an interesting/cool vibe. I don’t specialize in design, so I’m probably not much help, but its really good! Keep up the great work! :upside_down_face: :ok_hand:


It seems very empty. You could try adding more stuff into it, I don’t know what would be the stuff but.


Thanks, I will try to do your suggestions in the future!!


This is my first time in development for a while so I may not be able to give constructive feedback but here is what I think:

It does have a nice layout which works but the only thing which I have troubles with is the change, here is what I mean, the effects for the render is nice but then it stops and the rest is pretty boring the text is the only thing really which uplifts it, my advice is to expand the effects a little bit more but other than that its simple in a very good way and overall its a very good gfx but I do think if you expand the effects a bit more it would be a definite 5 stars, I am also not sure if this would work or not but I would also say to make it a bit more brighter.

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Thank you so much! Your feedback is much appreciated! Will use your considerations in the future! (:


Amazing! My only problem is how the background is a bit bland. Maybe change the Text Color and add the effects like you did with your character, and use a fade of light blue and pink?


Where did you get the effect’s from?

Add some white within the red and blue, to give it more of a glow feel.

Also, what app do you use?

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Awesome graphics! Just my personal opinion, but I feel like you could use a different font, it doesn’t fit the style you’re going for.

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I would say the back is bland, it can be nice for some thing’s like ad’s, but for twitter backgrounds, I would say lighten it up with some effect’s in the background, Smoke, Laser’s etc.

Character is fine, but as I said before, add a very small amount of white to the core of it, Make it feel glowy.

Text is perfect and stands out to lift the background but I would say that you should add a little effect to the text, Also one last thing. (DO NOT ADD TO MUCH EFFECTS)

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Thanks for the feedback. I used Photoshop to edit this. For the effects, it’s actually a series of brushes and blending options for the lighting effects. I also used some stock particles to give it some cool setting.

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Hi, there.
So I would like to say that I give free lessons to GFX artists in need (And other development)

If you got discord please add me for help.

I give some free effect’s for photoshop, so this will help with your need’s.

Add me!

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Good, but I would not put the text too plain, the render is perfect though.

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The particles are great, they are perfectly mixed and give it a space touch! Keep growing, that’s amazing.

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As seen, it’s almost perfect! But I’d recommend practise on fonts! You can have many tutorials for good effects in text! Such as 3D looking, etc! <3

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