Hello everyone
I just made two Renders for a clothing-Ad and would now appreciate some feedback
The Renders:
Thank you for the feedback

I just made two Renders for a clothing-Ad and would now appreciate some feedback
looks kinda Casual but it is perfect but one problem
It looks like the clothes are ripped or something like that for the pants.
Hi, thanks for the feedback.
What exactly do you mean with ripped clothes/pants?
I don’t really know its just a personal preference I see there like rips on the pants or something.
Oh, so you mean the black stripes do look like rips.
Not a bad start, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement.
I’d highly recommend using higher resolution images for clothing and adding in some variation on the avatar itself as well as the clothing using PBR textures - doing so will make it look far better, and look more natural in the process. No material is perfectly flat, reflective, and smooth, nor without blemish. If you’d like examples of the difference it makes, look for free PBR grunge textures and add them as a layer to your materials, and see what it changes.