Feedback on UI Design | Project Punk

We’re currently working on a Cyberpunk-themed third-person shooter with the ultimate goal of creating a simultaneously competitive and collaborative experience on the Roblox platform. Our third-person shooter aims to provide a place for players to team up, make friends (or foes), formulate strategies, and rank up rather than just to shoot each other! Learn more

  • I made a post similar to this a while back, but now I need more feedback on more UI design :smile: We aim to make a quality game that ups the standards on Roblox!
  • I am also looking to take this project to Roblox WINTER accelerator 2022 with another programmer. So hit me up if you are interested in working with @KaviRegime and I. MUST BE 18+yrs old by the time Winter accel begins.



Woah, UI is so nicely done.

But one thing,

The background image is low quality.


That’s amazing, undoubtly one of the best ui designs I have ever seen, even outside of roblox!

  • One side note, I recommend you to put water marks on just in case people steal your great uis
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thanks! its bc the images in the thread are lower quality than the original files

Thank you! and yeah i was thinking about it, hopeefully the super low quality is a good enough deterrent :sweat_smile:

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