Feedback on UI for, uh, a game. Again

A few days ago I asked for feedback on the UI I created here. I figured out I’d ask again except now I’ve modified my interface yet again.

Thanks for any compliments that I may get, but I’m mostly looking for tips and advices, as well as to what to improve on, or if there’s something that you don’t see fit.

Anyway, here’s some new work.

Thanks for reading and if you do, for leaving your feedback!


this UI looks great! i’d recommend making it a bit more soft with the text tweening, but good job!

EDIT: im so sorry, i meant tweening not tweeting! :sob:

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maybe move “Setting” and “Help” <<< Question mark icon to bottom? since it’s just my gut something on bottom mostly something that not affect gameplay directly but it’s optional thing

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Love the UI but personally I would move the help button or question mark to where the close button is and move the close button to the top right hand corner

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Hey, thanks for the feedback!

Also, the question mark is intended as either a help page or an acknowledgements page.

I’ll try to curse less in my tweets I’ll keep that in mind, you’re quite right.

Thats what I would’ve done but unfortunately my UI placements don’t allow me to do that without the end result looking stupid. Doing that would mean that I have to redo practically everything.


That is clean and has good contrast with all the colors. Keep up the good work :+1:


This UI looks good, nice job on it!