Feedback on UI i partially made

This is a UI creation that i and Trupa(which is the owner of Hidden Studio) made.Anything to improved on? UI1

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thats really epic, keep it going bro

I’m going to be very straight up with you, it’s not the best. The choice of colors and the text font and the text backgrounds really make this less enjoyable to look at. The choice of rounding the edges was a nice touch, but everything else could use improvement.

Try using the Gotham or SourceSans font to create a much cleaner look. I find that those two fonts in particular work very well when paired with a dark background.

On top of that, if you’re going to section off each setting property, I would advise you to have one big frame to hold everything together rather than have multiple parts on one frame. You can make the frame a shade darker than the main frame that holds everything together and make all of the text background transparency to 1

Alr im improving upon it, thanks for advice

Of course :slight_smile: Here’s a little demo as to how it could look:

It’s not the BEST UI in the world because I literally smacked it on in like 3 minutes, but there are many things you can do to improve the style :slight_smile:

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It took me too long to realize that’s a watermark lol. Looks fine, the close button is a little out of place for the ui theme though. As long as this menu goes well with the other menus it should work fine.

If you want to step it up:

  • Consider playing with the fonts
  • Keep the text borders fairly transparent, the explanation text is a bit much to look at
  • Play around more with the transparency of the whole thing, unless the other menus are all like this
  • The borders for the rectangles need to be tinkered with. Details seems to be popping out of the overall frame and the thick black borders are meh
  • Bottom check mark is not perfectly aligned with the mode
  • It might just be my eyes but the check marks dont look like squares to me

At the end this is just my advice, I don’t claim to be some UI guru or anything.

This is improved version


Looks good but then can you try making the font all cartoon? details is strangely code. also try using Roundify as a plugin, Looks cool for me.

Try fixing the background text. Or remove them.

its a watermark lol,im not gonna giveaway UI

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