Feedback on UI Set

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Hello, I’ve created a small simplistic GUI set and would like some feedback on it. Anything that would help me make it more interesting and original would be appreciated!


EDIT: I took what y’all said into consideration made some changes to my UI.

Updated Set


The UI design is simple. But good.

Make the colors less “bright” and “neon”. Just do something like, bright blue / not so neon blue backgrounds with a slightly darker color for the tabs and squares. For the text, make it white and make the x button a lighter red with a white X. Other than that, the UI looks great!


Looks alright, i highly recommend a different colour scheme

I like the pastel blue vibe, but the harsh Red and Neon Green colors kind of ruin it. Instead of using red for cancel/close, maybe try a lighter red? And for the green, you can maybe switch it up to a dark-light blue to fit in!

Other than that great work, especially those nice icons at the top right :wink:

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Add a drop shadow and I recommend listening to @synical4 advice.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I’ll take what you said into consideration and make those changes.