I have recently been working on my first full UI framework model on roblox, and I’m looking to get some feedback, I’d also like to point out, that alot of the features are extremley customisable, I’ll list them as they are in the script below.
Configurations inside script
local GameName = 'gamename' -- Your game name
local GameDesc = 'This is my game, I have people who like to play my game' -- This is the text that will be shown in the third panel, "Info"
local Keybind = 'q' -- Keybind to open the UI
local ButtonText = 'Open' -- Button on the side's text when closed
local ButtonText2 = 'Close' -- Button on the side's text when opened
local KeybindEnabled = true -- Allows users to press the keybind chosen to open the UI
local ButtonEnabled = true -- 'Open' button on the side toggle (If set to false there is no way for mobile users to open the ui)
local TheBeforeGameName = false -- Automatically adds "The", example: Gamename = "Yes", New gamename = "The Yes"
local PanelOneEnabled = true -- Enables Panel One (Store)
local PanelTwoEnabled = true -- Enables Panel Two (Report)
local PanelThreeEnabled = true -- Enables Panel Three (Info)
local UIEnabled = true -- Enables the UI
local BanNoteEnabled = true -- "Sending spam reports will get you banned etc"
local NoteEnabled = true -- Enables the note that tells you how to use the UI, this is recommended to stay true
local NoteText = '' -- Want that note to say something else? Change it. If left as '' the default text will be used
I would very much appreciate any feedback or new suggestions, feel free to try spam the UI so much it breaks and I have to add even more debounce.
Note: q to open UI on keyboard, or press the open button. Also another note, I know it isn’t sized right on Mobile, don’t need to point it out.
TEST HERE: Test SuiteUI - Roblox
Just forgot to add, another feature that comes with this is a Notify() function that you can use inside the “Core” script, once called, a small notification will pop up in the bottom right with your given text and for how long you have asked it to stay on the screen for.