Feedback on vhs menu please?

I’ve made a quick menu for my game with a vhs style, is there anything I can improve on (note: ingame it doesn’t lag that much it lags bc I recorded it with obs with my crappy pc)


This looks SUPER awesome! Very nostalgic and you did a great job! I don’t think there’s anything you need to improve upon, but turning down the saturation might be more accurate to TVs that used VHS tapes at the time. Good luck with your game development!


Thank you! :smile: (need to make this message longer so it goes through)

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I would speed up the animation frames for the distortion a bit. On a normal VHS this appear at the same rate of the recording, so about 24 FPS. Obviously you want it visible, so maybe 12 or 20 FPS.

You could do this by using a RunService Heartbeat and making the changes at every interval (something like the below - but I’ve not checked the syntax):

local FPS = 12
local count = 0
local interval = 1/FPS
  count += step
  if count > interval then
    count -= interval
    --< change distortion frame here >>--