Feedback on Victorian House?


I would like to hear some feedback on my creation. I’ve gotten mixed reactions about the wallpaper. I’m keen to hear what you guys think!


I think the wallpaper is too stretched, and the brick material for the fireplace kind of looks bad.
No hate intended, still looks pretty good!

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I also tried a few changes on the walls.

strong text

No worries. I appreciate the feedback! I tried finding better wallpaper, but sadly it’s been quite a hassle.

The red and green look amazing! I think those 2 are kind of better.
Mattering on the mood of the build if it’s victorian VICTORIAN then, red.
If it’s just old; green.


This Victorian House looks great! Nice job on it!

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Looks good.

I found a texture library plugnin a long time ago. It may have some good wallpaper choices for you:

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It looks pretty good so far!
I kind of like the wallpaper, but as suggested more of a dark red colour might be best.

I’m also really picky about wood grain textures going the wrong direction and it stands out a lot when I view something like this. Pieces of wood almost always have the grain (lines) going along the length of the board.

Wood comes from trees and the grain runs up and down making it strong. When trees are cut the grain runs the length of board. Wood cut cross grain wouldn’t be more than a couple of feet long and wouldn’t be very strong at all.

You can kind of cheat for items like the wood squares on the wall panels by putting 4 Parts with the wood grain going the length of them, and crossing them at the corners. Now tilt each Part about .1 degree out at the outermost edge. This creates what looks like a 45° cut edge where the boards meet and doesn’t affect the outer edge much.