Feedback on violent ragdoll system

i created this project yesterday and ill probably add to it later, but its exactly what the title says, a very violent and bloody ragdoll system

ignore my avatar lol

It would be better if you provided some videos and screenshots so that we don’t have to leave the site.

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i added some picture and video so you can see it better

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I like that you included the blood particles, however few tips, try making the blood particles release only from the body part that was injured and add some more types of blood, bone to the part that gets injured, also make it so the legs and arms don’t look de-attached in ragdoll mode, otherwise, it looks great for a starter. Also you could increase the fall distance as there were some buggy moments such as being stuck under the block in ragdoll.

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i solved the issue where the guy was stuck under the block(completely unrelated to the block though lol) but i can also fix the arm thing by decreasing the rope size and ill work on everything else you said

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