Feedback on water GFX

Feedback on my GFX? I tried making a GFX with water but, it didn’t turn out so good when I used a texture. So I decided to make another one a few months later This is my first attempt at making actually water.


Wow! That looks really really awesome :fire::heart_eyes:.

It doesn’t look like water. It looks like a reflective brick slapped inside the character’s legs. Please try to make the waves deform

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The lighting looks great but there are practically no ripples, the water is very still. It also looks like an ocean or sea due to the size, but it is completely still even though there should be waves. Also, even though the character is standing in shallow water, you can’t see the bottom.

I hope this feedback was somewhat helpful. Overall, this is a pretty good GFX, definitely better than what I could’ve done if I attempted to make a GFX with water.

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