Feedback on weapons/props for my game

Recently started working on an FPS game with a friend, its called CLEAVE II (name subject to change),I’m making 3D models for it and probably maps in the future. It’s a Quake inspired fast paced shooter with random weapons (we’re adding starting loadouts and weapon rerolls in the future)
Just wanted to hear some opinions on the overall quality and design of my work

Break action sporting revolver

Single shot grenade launcher

Gyrosphere gun drone

Makeshift shotgun trap


"Panzersaw" gauss machine gun (old)

I would really appreciate constructive criticism, I’ve been 3d modeling for only a couple months.


Wow! Those look amazing. The only thing I’m a little confused about is the texture of the last gun, the Panzersaw. I get it’s supposed to be old, but it doesn’t really look like it’s textured. If that is it’s texture, then I suggest shading it a little more.

Thats a solid matcap color, we werent using textures back then, just changing the materials on individual parts of the mesh ingame

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Okay, thanks for the clear up!

With the texture, it looks amazing! I really like the depth on this one!

2 versions of a industrial laser pistol, people say that it looks uncanny, like a deformed glock. Would you say thats true?

Day 1 initial concept

Day 2 redesign