Feedback on welcome GUI

Hello! I am currently working on some of the UI for my latest game, (4) Stay in the game and flex your time [BETA] - Roblox. This is the welcome screen, and I’m looking for some feedback on it! I have made this by scratch, including the buttons.
Untitled (1)
What do you think of it?


I like your UI. I know you not asking feedback on the game but I hate the fact that every 5 seconds it tells you to buy a sword dev product.

I dont see that on my screen, I will investigate that. Thank you.


Looks good, I like the angles of the buttons. A feature I would add to make it more appealing is so when your mouse hovers over it, it slides out.

I love the idea but for the buttons you should make the text smaller for all of them so that the credits text isn’t so close to the edges of the box. Also maybe try out the gotham font for the welcome text and version text in the corner.
Also the white overlay should fill the top of the screen and maybe disable the playerlist while you are on that screen.

Thanks for the feedback, I would do that if I knew how. Also as in the post

I made the decals, and it would be alot to redo.

I feel like the white text doesn’t exactly go with the dark background , but it’s just my opinion.

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They don’t really need to be decals as you can do gradients directly in studio and for the white overlay filling the screen you just need to make it like 1.1 in size or 1,36 and do -0.1,0 for position/0,-36