Feedback on WoW inspired project

Hi! I started work on this project of mine about 2 years ago to teach myself modeling in Blender and texturing in Krita. Its heavily inspired by WoW. I would like feedback on the work so far!

-Lostcrest (Tutorial island)-

Mine entrance

Town dock at night

-Tradefalls 1/3 of the main map- (I just started this part a week ago so its very bare!)

Map overview

Rivershield castle gate entrance

Rivershield city

Mountain side pathway

Building outside

Building inside being used as a library

-Random stuff-

Twilight Charger mount

Undead Pirate gear set (Roblox skeleton mask not by me)


Wow! That’s really cool! What are the black lines on the island?

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On the main map it’s like layout plans! But on the tutorial map its just burn marks from the corruption! (Sorry i didn’t know which ones so i answered for both!)

Map plans

Ok, yeah, they looked like it but I wasn’t sure

Also, for the penultimate image, I think you should move the tree, it looks too close to the house

Thank you for the feedback! Yea it is a bit close.

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