Feedback on youtube video

I made this Roblox scripting tutorial and I was wondering if I could get some feedback on it, any feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

Video: - YouTube (youtube link)

Hopefully, this is the right category


Only watched a small amount of it, but you explain stuff very well. I recommend creating more unique videos in the future. Otherwise, looks awesome!


Okay thank you, I have big plans for the future as well :slight_smile:


AYO this is pretty good ;D

I skimmed through the video and saw lots of things that can be improved on, otherwise great video.

Well first instead of going straight into local variables, do global variables. Yes I know they are worse than local variables but let me explain.

Local variables are only accessible in scopes. So then you’d have to explain scopes which are already complicated themselves.

Also you’re giving them too much information. You told them about printing, variables, tables and how to change the color of a part. The reason this is bad, is because you didn’t go into their full potential. You didn’t tell about the . . thing with printing (forgot what it was called). You didn’t tell about print types such as decimal string number ect. Don’t get me started with tables, they can do a lot.

Now they’re are a lot more things I saw that I can create a list for but to summarize things up:

Don’t go as much off topic as you did, stop trying to rush learning a lot of things at once and explain the key word local later on. If you’d like all the other things I could create a list about add me on discord Salzu#2773.

Keep it up!


The video is really very good

You really are a teacher more than in tutorials on youtube to help other developers who can not do it but a video although it is little in sight, it really is a great support.

continue like this, there will be more doubts in answering and growing

Very well done.

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A few tips:

  1. Right now you give lots of information during the variable part. That is great, however could you try organizing the video a bit. For example, talk about the data types first (like strings and integers) and then about variables.

  2. Possibly try to explain variables a bit. Maybe tell viewers that variables are like containers for storing data temporarily.

  3. Variable names are not strings, and should not be considered strings. Although both are text, they are very different. A string is a data type, with extra functions like concatenation (aka joining strings [aka the .. thing @TheSalzu said]), while a variable name is just, well, a variable name, used to index data. Viewers may get confused in the future if they learn that a variable name is a string.

You have a good starting point right now, and with some improvements, I am sure that your videos would be a great resource for other developers learning to code.