Hey Everyone! I was recently making a zombie game and it has some aspects from Call of Duty Zombies and I was recently thinking about an idea for it. Should it have a cash system that only saves each game therefore once you die you lose your cash. But with this system there would be a mystery box and guns on walls to buy. Or should I go with your cash saves every game you play and there is a shop gui with guns to buy. Everything with this will save. So what do you guys like better? I would love to see tons of feedback on this topic.
Make it so ya start with 0 cash everygame
So you like the first idea Instead of cash saves every game
I will tally it up Thanks!
Sorry if this was explained and I just misunderstood, but I think it would be interesting if all of your cash saves when you leave the game (if i left the game with 500 I’d come back with 500) but when you die or something happens you lose all of your money. This would create a risk factor if a player wanted to buy a more expensive item because they’d have to make sure that they wouldn’t die before they saved up enough. It also creates easy monetization opportunities ; )
I would choose the second idea, because if someone saves a lot of cash and they died to like a a glitch or someone, I think the player would be very mad. So I suggest the cash saving system so people don’t rage and quit the game. This is just my suggestion though but nice game idea!