Hello, i need feedback on my first gui
i need tips so i can make great gui in the future
its my first time using adobe so its not that great
thanks, =>
also what do people call these? Gui or ui
Hello, i need feedback on my first gui
i need tips so i can make great gui in the future
They look really good. But I think you can add more colour to the flame of the torch add orange yellow it will make it look more like a flame. You should definetely make more UIs those are awesome.
Thanks for the Feedback
Hello so I do like this but if I can say so I don’t really know how it could be a UI/GUI. I just think it does not really look like one. If you can tell me what it’s for I may be able to help a little more on giving you what should be changed. I also think that the torch fire does not really look like fire and more like blood so you could w=always change that up a little to make it look more realistic. Well done by the way. The sward and shield looks very good!
Hello, Thanks for the feedback i made those just for my showcase map that i will be making and i will turn those into a Ui and put it on item shop,
Goodjob, however I believe the torch would look better without a texture on the handle area. I like the overall vibe to your GUI Icons and feel like they would fit really well for a Medieval / RPG