[FEEDBACK, POLL] Material styled GUI library


I am working on Material styled GUI library, so far I have only created 2 components for it. I have used Adobe XD to create all of the images for them and I am still working on creating more components.

Current progress:

How useful would you find this if I open-sourced this project?

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I also want to know, What would you use this for and should I start doing GUI commissions?


I think this would be an awesome library for developers who wouldn’t trust plugins like RoStrap and would want something simple like a model.

This could help out scripts that don’t want to rely on UI designers and design GUIs themselves.

From my perspective this could be really helpful, keep the good work.



I assume you used a white background to cover the border, am I right?
Please note that that won’t work if the background is transparent or translucent :slight_smile:

If you are going to make a Material Design 2.0 UI Toolkit, you should try taking a look at https://flutter.dev for reference. Either way, you might be able to make it native as well.

Anyway, there’s already a MD UI framework, so I recommend just submitting it to validark, if you know how to code it.

Anyway, are you using a fully custom framework for all things such as tweening?

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